Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) is a new and exciting tool that can help both you and your doctor to better understand the short-term and long-term benefits of your lifestyle choices.

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Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

The health assessment tool of the future… available today.


Toolbox Genomics offers state of the art Genomic (DNA) testing to help you understand your unique health concerns and available lifestyle options.

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Toolbox Genomics

Mapping your potential for future health


BIA has been the chosen technology of functional medicine practitioners for over 50 years.

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Bioimpedance Analysis

Measures your body composition and cellular energy


The dutch urine test is the new gold standard for hormone metabolic analysis. the test is easily done at home with a test kit and does not require a blood draw or a visit to a hospital or lab.


DUTCH Hormone Test

Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) is the new gold standard for hormonal metabolic analysis. Urine samples done privately in the comfort of your own home.


The organix comprehensive profile tests urine organic acids. a single in home urine sample creates biomarkers that measure fatty acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, B-complex vitamin production, methylation cofactors, neurotransmitter metabolism, oxidative damage, antioxidant markers, detoxification and bacterial growth.


Organix Comprehensive Profile

Urine Organic Acids Testing. A comprehensive profile to measure multiple biomarkers using a simple in home urine sample.


Allergix Igg food antibodies profile: test 30 common foods for igg immune system reactivity with a simple finger stick blood spot test done in the comfort of your home. no blood draw needed.

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Allergix Food Antibody Profile

Test your antibody levels to the 30 most common foods with a simple at home blood spot test strip.


Vitamin D2, D3 and Total D with a convenient at home blood spot test. For optimal health and well being it is important to test your vitamin D blood levels at least twice per year.

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Vitamin D Home Test

Using this simple at home finger prick test you can measure your vitamin D blood plasma levels.


Comprehensive stool analysis with parasitology is a complete at home stool sample test for digestive and health concerns. This test measures the levels of normal and abnormal gut flora as well as yeast and parasites. A good measure of gut immunity and overall health.

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Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology

A full spectrum test to assess digestive health and function.